New publication: The Uncertain Future of Antarctica’s Melting Ice

Tuesday, January 18th, 2022

INSTANT logo ant small colorsA new publication in EOS highlights the important work of SCAR’s INSTANT Scientific Research Programme.

The Uncertain Future of Antarctica’s Melting Ice’ describes the necessity and difficulty of understanding the Antarctic Ice Sheet’s contribution to past and future sea level rise, and how INSTANT is using a multidisciplinary Earth system approach to fill the gaps in our understanding through international cooperation. The full article can be read here.

INstabilities and Thresholds in ANTarctica (INSTANT) is a SCAR Scientific Research Programme that seeks to address key questions about Antarctica’s contribution to sea level. The aim of the SRP is to “quantify the Antarctic ice sheet contribution to past and future global sea-level change, from improved understanding of climate, ocean and solid Earth interactions and feedbacks with the ice, so that decision-makers can better anticipate and assess the risk in order to manage and adapt to sea-level rise and evaluate mitigation pathways”.

Reference: Colleoni, F., Naish, T., DeConto, R., DeSantis, L., and Whitehouse, P.L. (2022) ‘The Uncertain Future of Antarctica’s Melting Ice EOS

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