Akiho Shibata

Kobe University

Publications |

Akiho Shibata is professor of international law and Director, Polar Cooperation Research Centre (PCRC), Kobe University in Japan. He has written extensively in the fields of Antarctic Treaty system, Arctic international law, international environmental law, and international law-making process in both English and Japanese, including “Japan and 100 Years of Antarctic Legal Order: Any Lessons for the Arctic?” in Yearbook of Polar Law, Vol. 7 (2015). He attended several ATCMs as a member of the Japanese delegation, and became the first legal scholar being a member of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) in 2016-17.

  • Research projects / interests:
    • Antarctic Treaty system resilience
    • Policy-law-science nexus
    • Arctic legal regime-making
    • International environmental law

Keywords: Antarctic Treaty, Arctic, International Law, International Environmental Law, Science/Policy Interface

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